Necessity to remove the stone industry from regional fences

Necessity to remove the stone industry from regional fences
  • 2015-10-03
  • .
Board member of Iranian Stone Association: Mahal city's stone industry needs to get out of the regional and local fences and find an opportunity for international bodybuilding to reach the desired point.

According to Iran's International Stone Exhibition, Mohsen Mirzaei said: Due to the rich and valuable mines in this region, Iran's International Stone Exhibition and the close relationship of stone activists from all countries with this region can be considered as an international exhibition of Iran. Be.

He added: "For the full growth and development of the Iranian stone industry, we need to look beyond the regional and local fences and look at this issue in a wider perspective." We will succeed when we can consolidate Iran's stone as a global brand.

A member of the board of directors of the Iranian Stone Association, referring to the problems of the stone industry activists, said that the mining industry has three discovery, extraction and processing rings, all of which are interconnected and defined, and weaknesses in one sector cause Adverse effects come in other parts.

Our biggest weakness in the stone industry is exploration

"Our biggest weakness in the stone industry is in the field of exploration, and the weakness in this sector is so serious that it has affected other sectors," Mirzai said.

A member of the board of directors of the Iranian Stone Association said that the weakness in the exploration sector has made the quantity of our mines almost constant, adding only a few new mines each year to the country's mines.

He added: "There is enough knowledge in the exploration sector and experts can help us with that, but this part of the mine needs a lot of investment, which is a long-term return on investment and the private sector cannot alone. Meet.

A member of the board of directors of the Iranian Stone Association noted: In most countries of the world the cost of mining is the responsibility of the government, and if the private sector participates in it, the government gets the right to discover it, but in our country there is not enough support and The private sector provides much of the exploration costs.

He explained: The basic information and the discovery of the mines by the private sector and with the full support of the government has made the work transparent and avoids many of the profits and rents.

Mirzai continued: The Geological Survey of Iran has up-to-date facilities and equipment but it is necessary to provide sufficient funds to the private sector to use these facilities.

A member of the board of directors of the Iranian Stone Association added: "Some of the miners who work in the field of exploration are still using old methods due to their lack of knowledge of new methods. If our miners use new methods in the evaluation of mine reserves, they will have more success and better results.

He said: Estimating the amount of mine storage is one of the basic foundations of investment, the higher the accuracy, the lower the investment risk.