Problem of supplying manpower in stone mills

Problem of supplying manpower in stone mills
  • 2015-10-06
  • .
The head of the Mahalat and Nimour County Union of Stone Makers said many stone mills have faced a problem of manpower.

Hossein Soroush has reported that Afghan workers have been working in stone-cutting plants for decades, and now that their presence in the area has been declared illegal, many factories are facing manpower problems.

He pointed to the problems in providing the workers with the required stone-cutters: The current labor law has caused some employers not to be under the burden of employing an Iranian worker, if the labor law is amended and the employer chooses not to cooperate, If the job is open or open, there will be problems with the lack of trust between the worker and the employer.

The head of the Maharashtra Guilders Association of Mahalat-e Nimour also cited the lack of sufficient liquidity as another problem for the stone industry activists. It is believed by some to be the most important cause of inflation and stagnation in the country's stone industry.

Soroush reiterated: Government intervention in exchange rate setting does not help export, if exchange rate becomes real and government does not allow market supply and demand to determine exchange rate, our production and industry after a short period , Enters the export cycle and plays an effective role in global markets.

He added: Due to the low exchange rate of many commodities imported domestically, the low exchange rate makes the domestic producer fall and the foreign producer benefits.

He noted that with the realization of foreign exchange prices will become more expensive and people will turn to domestic products, which will increase production capacity, increase employment, increase profits and improve the quality of manufactured goods.

He noted: Another major export problem is the lack of growth and development of large manufacturing and industrial enterprises, due to the cultural and economic conditions prevailing in the country Our manufacturing industries are mostly small and the number of large and coherent enterprises is very small.

* Fars