Export support with non-cash incentives

Export support with non-cash incentives
  • 2015-10-07
  • .
The Deputy Minister of Industry, Mining and Commerce announced the government's efforts to provide a platform for competing Iranian goods, saying: "We are trying to move from providing cash incentives to the export sector to non-cash incentives."

According to Iran's International Stone Exhibition, Valiollah Afkhamiradad told reporters: Iran's Trade Development Organization, as the secretariat of the Supreme Non-Oil Exports Council and responsible for foreign trade, is trying to remove barriers to exporters and make it possible for Iranian goods to be competitive.

"So far we have removed some of the major barriers to exporters through legal channels such as the High Council of Exports," he said.

In the meantime, he said: "Instead of cash incentives, our policy is to remove export barriers and ensure that Iranian merchants market their goods at the lowest prices and, of course, competitively in global markets and in line with the quality of goods." The world’s top move.

According to Afkhamirad, cash and non-cash aid to exporters will also be provided if needed, while establishing regular air and shipping lines are also on the agenda to support the country's exporters.

The head of Iran's Trade Promotion Organization noted: We are also striving to bring some of the resources of the Organization for Management and Planning to export support.

In response to the criticism of the composition of imported goods, he noted: Goods that may be criticized in the import process are of very little value, although their import is based on imported country rules and regulations; Three hundred pens of imported goods are imported into the country, just as we exported fifty billion dollars and fifty-two billion dollars last year, which may still be part of the imported goods.