Conquering global markets is about changing our eyes

Conquering global markets is about changing our eyes
  • 2015-10-12
  • .
Head of the Iranian Mining House: If we need to conquer global markets, we need to change our view of the mining sector and move forward with a modern, technology-driven approach.

Mohammad Reza Bahraman inaugurated the 8th International Exhibition of Stone, Mining and Related Industries in Iran, stating that we need investment in the stone processing sector. The government must play a role in this realization.

He added: "Today we should not worry about mineral investment anywhere in the country because the knowledge required in this sector is defined."

Referring to mining activities in other countries, he said, in some countries large mines operate alongside cities, but their performance in the mining sector is such that environmental health and social environment are maintained on the one hand and necessary mining on the other. Is taking place.

 Bahramman emphasized that mining should be invested and education should be considered as one of the main foundations in the field of mining activities, adding: "The city has some concerns that can be resolved by using day-to-day knowledge."

He described the mine as a divine blessing and stated that the available scientific space should be used to solve the problems, obstacles and problems of this sector.

He emphasized the importance of training in this field and emphasized the use of organizations in this regard.