Priority should be given to mineral education

Priority should be given to mineral education
  • 2015-10-12
  • .
Head of the Iranian Mining House: Education should be one of the key principles; it should be a space where the role of education in the ore field becomes a priority.

According to Iran's International Stone Exhibition, Mohammad Reza Bahrami said today at the 8th International Iranian Stone Exhibition: "We need to come out of recession and draw a space government out of recession."

He added: "The tool is to get out of the stagnation of the mines and we have to invest in the markets to enter the sector. In the stone processing sector we need to invest in marketing and presence in international markets."

The head of the Iranian Mine House stated: "Mine has a special role in the development of trade. If we do not use the blessings of God well, we do not have sugar, we should use scientific methods to solve problems."

Bahramman noted that the interference of the supervisory department of the mine and other organizations was one of the concerns of officials because the knowledge was not placed next to the mine, but today the concern has been resolved.

He said: "Don't worry about investing in the mining sector because when we use new technologies, the environment will not be harmed. Central provinces and neighborhoods are plagued by scientific problems."

"The concern is that we are losing tourism in the face of mining, the big mines are located in some of the cities next to the city but do not harm the social environment," he said.

He added: "Education should be one of the main principles; space should be a place where the role of education in the field of minerals should be prioritized."

"Organizations have a key role to play and must prepare for the use of quality management. If we need to conquer markets, we need to shift from traditional to modern," Bahraman added.

* Tasnim