Necessity to create a commercial area of stone and moisture insulation

Necessity to create a commercial area of stone and moisture insulation
  • 2015-10-13
  • .
The People's Representative of Mahalat and Delijan in the Majlis said: "The stone and moisture insulation trading area in both Mahalat and Delijan cities should be built as a centerpiece of these two industries."

According to Iran's International Stone Exhibition, Hojjatoleslam Alireza Salimi said this afternoon at the inauguration ceremony of the International Stone Exhibition of Iran: “The complex is being built rapidly, showing that it is moving our domestic capacities in a variety of fields.

"We are experiencing a period of recession," he said. "The situation requires national determination and all capacities must be used. One of the tools is to look at the non-oil economy.

"The whole country is expensive and in production too, 80% of the state budget is spent on current affairs, we must pursue outsourcing, one hundred percent of the world's stone trade to Iran accounts for 16% of Turkey's exports.

Salimi pointed out: "We need to get our right and have more interaction between the public sector, policymakers and field activists. Activists and companies in the region have shown they can be trusted, the private sector has proven they can be trusted."

He added: "The chain must be completed if we have a special economic zone, we should also have customs, and given the three economic advantages of flowers, plants, rocks and moisture insulation in neighborhoods and delicacies must meet these requirements."

"There is a shortage of workers in the neighborhoods and there is no indigenous worker, given the ban on the use of aliens it is necessary to think of a solution if a foreign worker has a job," he said.

Salimi said: VAT should be, but we are taxed on production, with no more than 24% bank interest, and the National Development Fund needs to help the private sector. And today the interest rate of the facility is 16%.

He added: Miners are told to pay the government's arrears in 2011 to pay for the state's mining rights. According to the previous law, these rights cannot be paid three years after the mines are paid.

People's Representative of Mahalat and Delijan in the Majlis added: "In exporting the rules are cumbersome and we argue that we do not need help in the field of stone. Just do not lock, in the conditions of stagnation crude producers are hurt if raw stone, Expensive to produce The processed stone will also be expensive.

Salimi said: The laws and bills come partially to parliament, and every organization sees its constituency, thinking island-wide, and island-wide thinking has created problems, and in the labor sector, laws are not coordinated.

"We are ready to see the International Stone Exhibition, special measures have been devised to increase the tonnage and exploitation of the mines and some authority has been given, the neighborhoods and the suburbs of the Iranian stone capital are to be met by the Bureau of Mines Industry and Mining The city has more authority to make decisions and some Arak traffic does not need to be made.

* Tasnim