Necessity of increasing media activity of Iran Stone Exhibition

Necessity of increasing media activity of Iran Stone Exhibition
  • 2015-10-16
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CEO of Korean International HG International said that media activity in introducing Iranian capacities should be increased: Journalists and news agencies have an effective role in reflecting the exhibition's news.

According to the Iranian International Stone Exhibition, Kim Kim visiting the International Iranian Stone Exhibition pointed out the importance of the exhibition. Introduce Slow and Korea to visit this exhibition.

He added: Due to the large number of people using social networks, one of our suggestions to the relevant authorities of this exhibition is that they can use social networks to inform the public and advertisements of the exhibition, through film or written advertising on these networks. To announce the exhibition to the world.

"One of the things that matters in this field is public communication because people are a visitor who need to be aware of it," said CEO of Korean International HG International.

Kim noted: A South Korean-based company called Kutra is operating and 100 percent government whose job is to introduce Korean industry to the world and the Middle East, provide standards intended for other countries, support industry consumption, standardize and finance delegation. Expeditions to different countries.

He added: "At the Korea International Exhibition, officials take up a great deal of space and divide this space between Korean companies. Iran must implement this plan at exhibitions."

"There is an exhibition in Las Vegas and Germany, where the news agencies are very active, and they are producing news and releases daily in newspapers, websites, social networks and television," said CEO of Korean International HG International.

He added: Journalists and news agencies have an effective role in reflecting on the news of the exhibition and can bring the visit of officials of different countries to Iranian craftsmen.

* Tasnim