The quality of the stone in Iran has declined

The quality of the stone in Iran has declined
  • 2015-10-18
  • .
Export Manager of Italian company SALT: In the Iranian markets for some reason, they first raise the price and they prefer the price.

John Mathew Sappa, referring to the differences between Iranian and Italian markets, said: In Italian markets, quality is better than price, but in the Iranian markets, the price comes first, which means they are preferable.

He added: "Since 2008, I have been active in all markets around the world for the past eight years. For the first time in 2010, I came to Iran and started operating in Iranian markets, but because of sanctions and The company was not able to invest.

Export Manager of Italian company SALT stated: In 2014 I came back to Iran and realized that the potential of the Iranian market in the stone sector was very high and it was not comparable with 2010.

SAPA continued: "The company is looking to increase its activity in Iranian markets because many companies competing with SALT ABRASIVI S.P.A. have long been active in Iran even before the Islamic Revolution and have opened their doors during this period.

He pointed out that the Italian markets focus on quality, and in every other commodity such as food and clothing and any other commodity, it is important for Italy, and basically those who enter the Italian market seek high quality in any product.

"The company I work for is a manufacturer of abrasive stone and the purpose of being in Iran is to introduce its company, visit the local stone fair, and I think one percent of it was marble stone," said SALT.

"The main purpose is to import abrasive materials into Iran and identify companies and factories that want to buy them because abrasives should be used to enhance the quality of the stone," Sapa said.

He added: To gain experience, it is a good exhibition and the present companies are good companies because they are welcomed by visitors and this is a good potential for the exhibition which should be promoted in the future.

The export manager of the Italian company SALT said: "This exhibition can be much better in the future and we have to strive for it to get better and to reach its peak.

Sapa continued: One of the problems with this inadequate flooring was that it was unsafe and caused visitors to fall. One of the points of the exhibition was that it was called a stone exhibition and in many places the products obtained from the stone are visible. There are no final processes on it, it can be expanded.

* Tasnim