In theory, the stagnation of the stone industry cannot be overcome

In theory, the stagnation of the stone industry cannot be overcome
  • 2016-06-08
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Member of the Board of Directors of Mahalbah Trade Union: The existence of long-term and permanent rules in foreign trade is very necessary. Variable and volatile laws do not exist in global markets.

Asghar Khalaj, a member of the board of directors of the Mahalat Sangraban Trade Union, said in an exclusive interview with the Iranian Stone News Agency: "The talks that officials and experts are making about resolving the recession are great, but all this talk." Theory is valuable when it comes to action and removes the stagnation of the stone industry.

He added: "We needed mass production in the stone industry to be in the global market." We need to have the power to deliver and deliver to customers in a timely manner. This is the most important component of the export debate that can be ignored in the future if not followed.

He added: Miners who own the plant better than those who only have the stone factory can be present in the world markets because the miners have no problem supplying raw materials and do not face the price fluctuations that exist in the stone crop.

A member of the board of directors of the Mahalatan Association of Stonemasons said: "There is a long-term need for fixed-line rules in foreign trade." Variable and volatile laws do not exist in global markets.

He added: "A businessman who contracts with an Iranian manufacturer may take a year or two to work and he or she cannot face new legal problems every day."

Khalaj said stability in trade and peace and security laws are essential components of foreign trade that can be relied on to gradually gain the trust of foreign customers and work with them as steady customers of Iran.

He said: "Licensing for the construction of a sculpture factory is easily done now and many of the things that are very necessary in this debate are not taken into consideration." In some cases the number of factories in a city is much higher than the capacity in that city. The large number of factories makes it difficult for these units to produce their own raw materials and rock.