Jafar Sarghini's Opinion on the Iranian Stone Exhibition
Mining Deputy Minister of Industry, Mining and Commerce: This exhibition is becoming one of the country's major exhibitions. The ministry has supported this exhibition in the past and has more plans to support it and we hope to see it improve day by day.
According to the International Stone Exhibition of Iran, Jafar Sarkhini, Deputy Minister of Mining, Industry, Mining and Trade of the country on the sidelines of the fourth conference on the role of mining in the development of the country (Yazd province) in an exclusive interview with the Iranian Stone News Agency stated: Mining and trading in the field of stone and mining are increasing exports. Specific plans have been made to increase exports of all mineral products, which have been announced to mines and companies in February last year.
"Our whole effort is to increase exports by $ 2 billion in the mining industry," he said.
"This exhibition is becoming one of the most important and main exhibitions in the country," said Saraqini about the Iranian Stone Exhibition. The ministry has supported this exhibition in the past and has more plans to support it and we hope to see it improve day by day.