Occupational insecurity in the exhibition industry Causes and reasons

Occupational insecurity in the exhibition industry Causes and reasons
  • 2020-08-23
  • .
"Human character in economic crises breaks like eggs under the pressures of unemployment, unemployment and lack of job security." This sentence shows the importance of job security in today's societies.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, the definitions state that job security means that the employed person does not have to worry about losing his job. According to industrial and organizational psychologists, job security is one of the factors that create job satisfaction and mostly affects and affects people's psyche. Job security works in line with the business cycle, increasing in a boom and decreasing in a recession.

Influential factors such as economic factors, business position and personal skills of the employed person; It is remarkable about job security in jobs and at different times.

For example, in the past, a farmer's yield and income depended on his physical strength, active labor, weather, rainfall, and so on, and in fact personal skills and natural factors played a significant role in maintaining and sustaining success. They played his job. Today, with the advent of emerging technologies, the jobs and employment relationships of many people have changed and the job position of employees in addition to natural, economic and social factors have also faced new cases.

"Human character in economic crises is crumbling under the pressures of unemployment, unemployment and lack of job security like eggshells," says one economist on the Great Depression of the United States in the 1930s. This sentence shows the importance of job security in today's societies.

Regarding job security in Iran's exhibition industry, first of all, it should be said that the employees of this industry can be considered in two categories of governmental and non-governmental employees.

Government jobs in this sector, like all other government jobs, have relative job security despite the shortcomings and problems, but private jobs and exhibition industry activists and workers in various fields that do not carry the benefits of government employment, have problems in this area. Exhibition industry is one of the most challenging and worrying jobs in the field of job security of industry activists.

Due to the nature of the exhibitions that are held in short periods, the jobs in this industry are in many cases considered as projects and temporary. On the other hand, because after the end of an exhibition, all the furniture and structures created are collected, and to examine an exhibition after the end of the exhibition period, only the registered documents should be sufficient; Tangible work history is not available for activists in this field to register in their resumes.
These two issues, ie being a period or in other words, the beginning and end of an exhibition on the one hand and the impossibility of real review of work history and achievements and of course the impossibility of evaluating performance in the exhibition industry on the other hand, are categories that make an active and employed Exhibitions in various fields such as booth construction, holding and contracting services, face a high level of job insecurity.

Lack of job security components in the jobs of the exhibition industry, such as lack of focus on jobs by individuals, dissatisfaction with the job, economic dissatisfaction, etc., has caused the specialized forces in these areas to not grow much and we see many movements among employees and activists in the exhibition industry. On the other hand, senior managers and decision makers, considering the above, have not considered the right structures for the training of specialized exhibition manpower.
Perhaps a very small number of private sector employees of the exhibition industry can be found who have remained in this industry over the years, and on the other hand, we can mention a large number of well-known activists who have been active in this industry in recent years. They do not have the industry that this issue can be touched with such intensity in less guilds.

What is certain is that skilled manpower is a prerequisite for the progress and development of any class and industry, and this lack of attention to the training and maintenance of skilled manpower and the lack of job security, as a major shortcoming in the exhibition industry has many manifestations.

 To change this situation, you have to think today, otherwise the process of wasting energy, capabilities and experiences on the one hand and the failure of the Iranian exhibition industry and even the impossibility of maintaining the current position on the other hand, seems certain.

Hesam Goodarzi - Executive Director of the Booth Builders Association - Samat