The commission must be fixed

The commission must be fixed
  • 2020-08-26
  • .
In fact, this is why there is a conflict of interest in this issue, because with this method of calculating the commission, the increase in housing prices naturally gives more income to real estate consultants and the increase in profits of these activists depends on increasing housing prices in the field of purchase, sale and rent. will be.

According to the International Stone Exhibition of Iran, the housing market in recent years has witnessed numerous fluctuations and unprecedented growth trend that areas related to such as construction materials, taxes, licenses and even fees related to the sale and rental of property has undergone many changes. has done.

One of the things that has attracted the attention of the audience in cyberspace and the media these days is the increase in the fees of real estate consultants in these transactions. Critics consider this increase irrational and even mention it as one of the effective reasons for the price increase. On the other hand, activists in this field consider the amount of commissions received according to the law of the trade union system. They have the right. It seems that the main problem regarding the issue of real estate consultants' fees and the disputes over the amount is the mechanism for determining the amount of this right in the law, rather than the violation of the legal right; Because according to the existing laws and approvals of the country in the field of guilds, the commission and fees of real estate consultants are based on housing prices and are calculated based on a percentage of the amount traded between the two parties and are obtained by these units.

In fact, this is why there is a conflict of interest in this issue, because with this method of calculating the commission, the increase in housing prices naturally gives more income to real estate consultants and the increase in profits of these activists depends on increasing housing prices in the field of purchase, sale and rent. will be. In addition, another point to note is that receiving these percentages, given the housing prices in the current economic situation of the country, although legal, but the unusual profit that is more than many key and sensitive jobs to real estate consultants . Considering the issues raised in this regard, it seems that one of the existing and feasible solutions to solve this problem in the field of housing is to reconsider the fees of all price blocks. That is, apart from the issue of the price of the property being traded, certain fees must be set for real estate consultants within the customary framework. The proposal to determine the remuneration of real estate consultants is based on the fact that the activities of activists in this field in different areas and different real estate prices do not change much in relation to each other and in fact real estate consultants do the same amount for different transactions at each price level.

When the process is done, the time spent and the result is the same in different cases, it is natural to expect that the same fee or commission will be considered and demanded for all of them. Of course, exceptions should be considered in this solution, because in the transaction of some luxury properties, which require special and more activities and require different consultations, receiving a commission can be more reasonable, but this is the case for all real estate transactions. does not apply. Finally, if a fixed amount of commission and fees for real estate consultants in various housing transactions are taken into account, this fee will naturally be separated from the increase in property prices and the possibility of conflict of interest mentioned earlier will disappear, which itself This issue can affect the country's housing market and resolve many differences in this area and reduce tensions in this area.

Farhad Beizai - Housing Researcher - Samat