The importance of investing in mining

The importance of investing in mining
  • 2020-08-31
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We should not make investors, especially private sector activists, fear and leave the field of investment in the mining sector. If the property interest and government rights are to increase and the investor cannot compensate for this increase elsewhere, the result will be the opposite and will cause the closure of some mines in the country.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, we must work to activate the private sector in small mines, and we must try to open the way for those who can work in this field. In this regard, we definitely need the government to create a map. Since the mine is a treasure in the whole territory of Iran, it is better to encourage investors to invest in the mine instead of taking their money and capital into currency and coins.

Although many intend to invest in the mining sector, they think that investors and the private sector are not valued; Therefore, they do not dare to enter this field. Today mining requires a lot of capital; For example, a bulldozer is worth at least four hundred thousand dollars, which is about five billion tomans, which is a large amount, while for someone who wants to invest in mining, this is only part of the cost.

Thus, the government should help and provide facilities to the private sector so that it can cover its production costs and make a reasonable profit. In this process, if we assume that out of fifty small mines, forty mines are activated and ten fail, we have taken a very good step.

We should not make investors, especially private sector activists, fear and leave the field of investment in the mining sector. If the property interest and government rights are to increase and the investor cannot compensate for this increase elsewhere, the result will be the opposite and will cause the closure of some mines in the country.

Government officials are expected to pay more attention to mining in their policies. Mining is effective in boosting production and increasing employment, which is one of the most important issues in the country. As you know, unemployment is a pain that is very dangerous; Therefore, when the mine has the capacity to reduce unemployment, the government must also think of a solution. Of course, the government has taken measures, but development and infrastructure measures must be taken more seriously.

Mahmoud Goharin - Member of the Board of Directors of Iran Mining House - Samat