Two urgent plans for a leap in production and housing were approved

Two urgent plans for a leap in production and housing were approved
  • 2020-09-09
  • .
The members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly approved two urgent plans for a jump in production and housing supply.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in a public meeting today - Wednesday - urgently proposed a plan to jump in the production and supply of housing with one hundred and sixty-nine votes in favor, thirty-three votes against and eight abstentions out of a total of two hundred Thirty-three delegates present at the meeting approved.

Alborz Hosseini, spokesman for the Civil Commission, said: "Housing is a function of supply and demand. In recent years, housing has not been supplied and produced in accordance with the needs of the country, and this has led to the current situation of the housing market."

He added: "The demand of a large number of people is the issue of housing, and in the best conditions, we will produce 300,000 housing units in the country, while the country's needs, according to experts, are more than 900,000 units."

Khodabandeh's representative in the Islamic Consultative Assembly said: "The issue of rent in the country is another issue that should be considered, now more than six million Iranian families are tenants and housing is a big obstacle in the discussion of youth marriage; A large part of the country's jobs depend on the prosperity of the housing sector, and this has become one of the country's challenges due to the government's lack of a plan for the housing sector.

Hosseini continued: "Policies are moving in the direction that housing has been transformed from a consumer good into a capital good and has encouraged speculation in the housing market."

About this plan, he said: "The plan is to jump in production and supply housing for land management, payment of low-interest bank facilities, and supply of cheap construction materials."

Khorramabad MP Mehrdad Visakarami stated in opposition to this duplicity plan: "We immediately put the name of duplicity on any work and any wish we have and any decision we want to make, and it has happened that if a student does not go to school And the school superintendent warns him to write a duplicate plan and punish the supervisor. The two-emergency and three-emergency plan is envisaged for special occasions, and this winning weapon and tool should not be used anywhere in the parliament.

"The next point is that we have come up with the name of a policy, for example, the leap of production is a broad concept, and we have put the policy of the year on a plan by the Supreme Leader who only wants to work in one area," Wisconsin said. This shows that its urgency has even been decided in a hurry.

He added: "It is true that the effect of decisions such as housing and markets and other places need immediate decisions, but in the long run it affects the economic and living conditions of the people, and we do not agree that we want to solve these issues only through a dual emergency plan."

Weiss Karami pointed out: "I believe that deep, scientific and calculated work is needed, based on accurate data of scientific research, and it is not something that can be done with double urgency."

The representative of the people of Khorramabad in the parliament said: the first problem is that we have named this policy after this plan, because the plan must be problem-oriented, and this objection has been raised against it. The second objection is that Dufourite has become very dirty in the 11th parliament. I ask the board to manage this issue.

He added: "Considering the long-term effects that this plan has, this problem will definitely not be solved with Dufourite, which is in a hurry and goes on vacation for a while, but it requires deep and scientific work, with the arguments I made with its urgency and even I also have a problem with the urgency of this plan, it is definitely not good for it to be urgent.