Crude oil and mining is one of the main problems of the country

Crude oil and mining is one of the main problems of the country
  • 2020-09-16
  • .
Advisor to the Vice President for Science and Technology: Today, the sale of crude oil and mining is one of the main problems of the country, and it is not possible to cultivate an elite with an oil-dependent economy.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, Kambiz Mehdizadeh stated in the 18th General Assembly of the Iranian Mining Engineering Organization at the Spinas Hotel in Tehran: Oil is a national asset and related policies are determined by others.

He pointed out the need for surgery to replace oil in the country's economy and said: "The best alternative, according to experts in this field, is mining."

Mehdizadeh emphasized: "Relying on the oil economy does not guarantee the development of the country and we must move towards a technological and innovative economy, and the reason for the success of the Vice President for Science in this period compared to previous periods is the change of structures."

He reminded: "In the past, the existence of cement factories, steel mills, etc. were considered as signs and signs of progress and development, but in today's world, technology and innovation determine which country is advanced."

The Vice President for Science and Technology Advisor called for support for startups and knowledge-based companies that are growing in the world today.

He stressed the need to avoid selling raw materials to run the country and said: "Investment in the mining sector, especially in-depth exploration, is very important."

Mehdizadeh considered the implementation of aerial geophysical explorations important and said: "Satellite images provide the basis for knowledge about mineral reserves, while data processing is also emphasized."

He noted the welcome of the Vice President for Science in the field of technology promotion in the mining sector and added: "Building a platform, supporting projects and ideas is pursued by this vice president and knowledge-based companies in the mining sector can be active in this regard." To be.

According to the report, the statistics announced by the end of last year showed the presence of seventy knowledge-based companies along with large companies in the mining and mining industries, and these companies had presented nearly four hundred innovative ideas.

Khodadad Gharibpour, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Imidro, had said: "Mining companies now offer their technological needs as applicants and need-seekers along with knowledge-based companies as suppliers in a two-way space."

According to him, knowledge-based companies are mainly elite and graduate youths who present their technological ideas and after examining these ideas, they are supported by large industrial and mining companies.

Iran ranks tenth in the world in terms of diversity with the discovery of sixty-eight types of minerals.