Lack of a codified strategy; The biggest challenge for the mining sector

Lack of a codified strategy; The biggest challenge for the mining sector
  • 2021-04-07
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The CEO of the Mining Investment Insurance Fund, while explaining the most important measures taken by this organization during the last year such as increasing the fund's capital by 500 billion, supporting domestic producers, increasing interaction with more operating banks, supporting small mines and the like, the biggest challenge in the field of mining He considered the lack of a codified and long-term strategy in this field and the lack of joint dialogue between the departments related to this field.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, Farid Dehghani, regarding the performance of this organization during the last year, said: "Despite the social conditions caused by the outbreak of the Corona virus and the events that slowed down the progress of the work last year, the Mining Investment Insurance Fund He was very prolific in terms of issuing insurance policies, supporting the mining and mineral industries, and technology, and was able to set new records in this field. The fund team has been able to significantly increase visits over the past year, despite traffic restrictions on regulatory or initial visits.

The CEO of the Mining Investment Insurance Fund continued: "In addition to financing from the banking sector, the fund was able to finance the capital market for small-scale mines, which promises to open a new path in the field of financing for enterprises (mines)." Wisdom that will not be able to participate in large capital markets to provide the financial resources they need. In this regard, the fund will act as a guarantor. According to the agreements reached by the Mining Investment Insurance Fund, which is also being finalized, it was possible to have financing in the field of capital market and the stock exchange organization in addition to financing from the banking sector.

Referring to the measures taken in the field of knowledge-based, he said: "Contracts were concluded with the Innovation and Prosperity Fund in order to provide facilities for mines that are among the leading mines in the field of technology and innovation." In addition to the facilities, we have also considered a facility interest subsidy for such companies, which will be able to be paid in accordance with the approvals of the Assembly and the Board of Directors of Imidro (Organization for Development and Renovation of Mines and Mining Industries of Iran).

For the efficiency of small mines, the support of domestic machinery manufacturers is essential

Dehghani went on to say that last year, measures were taken to support the production of domestic machinery. "If we want the mining sector, especially small-scale mines, to operate efficiently in the field of machinery, we owe it to the domestic producers to The production and manufacturing parts of domestic machinery parts are active, the necessary support should be provided. It should not be forgotten that if we do not pay attention to the modernization and improvement of machinery and the necessary action in this regard, there will be a sharp decline in production in the mining sector and, accordingly, in the coming years, there will be a decline in processing.

Adviser to the Deputy Minister of Mines of the Ministry of Industry stated: The Mining Investment Insurance Fund for people who use domestic machinery to equip their mines, has provided a 4% interest subsidy on facilities, which was reached last year through agreements with local manufacturers of these machines. This was done (providing the facility interest subsidy).

The CEO of the Mining Investment Insurance Fund noted: "In the field of machinery, due to the fact that in the last quarter of last year, the registration of foreign machinery orders was difficult and blocked, despite all efforts to reopen them, but we could not do so during this period." Use the potential. It is hoped that with the reopening of tariffs, orders will be registered for customers.

Practically, what should have been done in the field of exploration was not done

Dehghani added: "In the past year, in the field of risk coverage for exploration, due to the very low amount of budget allocation by the Program and Budget Organization in the technical and credit assistance department, and also due to lack of necessary resources, support provided by the department." The exploration was not commensurate with the potentials and references to the fund, and practically what should have been done in the field of exploration was not done; It is hoped that more action will be taken in this area this year.

He emphasized: in order to solve this issue and how to support the discoveries, in order to be able to cut off the power supply of this area from the managed funds, we referred to the potentials in paragraph "Lam" of Article 28 of the Accession Law 2, so that we can consider resources. Taken in this area for Imidro and the company to attract and produce minerals and be able to spend it for additional exploration and preliminary exploration.

Adviser to the Deputy Minister of Mines of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, stating that we have taken significant steps in the past year in order for more banks to be able to accept our fund guarantee; He said: "We are concluding an agreement with Tejarat Bank that in addition to the existing operating banks, other banks can also come to the aid of the mining sector and allocate their resources to the mining sector, especially small-scale mines."

The CEO of the Mining Investment Insurance Fund, while emphasizing that in the past, in order to facilitate communication with its customers, everything was done electronically, noted: In this regard, we tried to minimize face-to-face visits as much as possible.

500 billion increase in fund capital; The most important action of last year

Dehghani considered the most important action of the Mineral Investment Insurance Fund last year to increase the fund's capital by 500 billion Tomans with the help of Imidro management team and announced: According to plans, this year this capital increase will increase from 500 billion Tomans to 1000 billion Tomans. Was. Necessary approvals in this field have been obtained and will be realized; It is hoped that we will be able to further strengthen our position in supporting the mining sector and provide significant assistance to the small-scale mining sector.

Lack of attention to systematic exploration and codified strategy are the biggest weaknesses of the mining sector

Explaining the biggest weakness of the mining sector that needs attention so that it can be strengthened, in line with the slogan of "production, barriers, support", he said: Lack of attention to systematic exploration can be considered one of the biggest weaknesses of the country's mining sector. It is very important and necessary to take care of it. Also, the lack of a common discourse between the financial sector, the environment sector and the existing sovereignty in the mining sector is one of the problems that has caused us to not even know that in order to achieve the development of mines, we must move to expand small-scale mines or large-scale mines; Because there is no fixed strategy on how to deal with the mining sector.

The CEO of the Mining Investment Insurance Fund, while emphasizing that the mining sector is one of the most capital-intensive sectors and this investment is associated with structural and commercial risks in the world, stated: Any support and attention to the mining sector requires long-term strategies And agreed by the consensus of stakeholders and stakeholders in the mining sector. It is not possible that there is no codified and improved framework for environmental protection as communicated by this organization, but on the other hand, we want the mining sector to continue its activities in order to protect the environment.

Dehghani continued: "It is also not possible to explore small or large mines without interacting with the Natural Resources Organization and without creating a common discourse." All over the world, every country defines a long-term strategy for itself, but this long-term strategy does not exist in our mining sector. Chile, for example, does not allow small-scale mines to operate, and the focus of mining development is on large-scale mines; So they do in-depth exploration, and the big mining companies go for exploration, and whenever they have significant reserves, they go for mining; But in our country, dealing with small and large mines is the same and both are viewed from the same perspective.

He added: "In the development of small mines, due to the fact that the environment does not have an up-to-date and specific framework and instructions for this sector, it naturally prevents action in this area;" Therefore, problems arise in this regard. Also, the private sector is challenged at the beginning of the road because of its unfamiliarity with investment, because it is not familiar with Brooks.

Which of the three main institutions in this field is the main trustee of our mining sector?

The CEO of the Mining Investment Insurance Fund stated: "Despite the existence of three very influential institutions in the field of mining and the governing sector, including Imidro, the Deputy Minister of Mines and the Geological Survey, but between these three institutions, no specific duties are definitively considered. Who are in charge of the mining sector; Consequently, the mining sector, the private sector and investors are confused. The main problem is the structural problem that must be communicated in writing. Unfortunately, we are lagging behind technologies in the mining sector of the country due to the lack of precise and adequate relations with the world.

Plans for the current year

"Our first priority in the new year is to raise capital," Dehghani concluded, referring to the roadmap for the organization this year. The next step is to identify successful companies with successful potential in the field of technology, which we will definitely increase our support by increasing our capital. In another section this year, we are considering measures to diversify the fund's services for the mining and mineral industries; If we can issue twice as many insurance policies this year, we can claim to be successful.