Limitations on doubling the capacity of the mining sector by 1408

Limitations on doubling the capacity of the mining sector by 1408
  • 2021-04-13
  • .
Development investment and increase of capacities in the mining sector and mining industries show that the capacities created in this sector will be almost twice as much as the existing capacities in 1398, but the realization of this goal is faced with the problem of limited financial resources and high costs.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, Iran is rich in natural resources and has a good physical infrastructure, but it has major problems with institutional infrastructure.

The nature of these problems is more than the type of soft sex, which requires more intelligence and effort than financial resources to solve them. Relying on the advantages of natural resources and suitable physical resources, intellectual independence and benefit of science and technology, it is easy to overcome the time, scientific and technological limitations for the foundation of Islamic civilization and compensate for the country's backwardness in these areas. .

The analysis of the process and the path taken since the beginning of the 90's until now and the results show:

1- The economic conditions of the country resulting from the last 8 years of economic, political and social management of the executive branch of the country logically hand over to the future government, considering the available financial and credit resources and international political conditions (oppressive sanctions) for any new investment and laying of rails. The new one closes to increase the production and development capacities of the country, and the macroeconomic management of the country should look 100% at the available domestic resources.

2- In 1398, Iran's share in terms of population was one percent of the world's population, but the share of production of minerals and mineral products is only 0.5 percent of global resources. This article automatically marks the first phase of laying the foundations for the country's mineral future. That is, the next step to increase production capacity is to bring Iran's per capita mineral production to the global share of the country's population, ie the production of one percent of global mineral materials and products.

3- Comparing the path taken in the field of development investment and increasing the capacities in the mining and mineral industries sector of the country from the beginning of 1992 until now (the path of visions and strategic plans) shows that if the country is in this sector of economy and Production with the same goals will move towards 1408. The capacities created will be almost 2 times the existing capacities in 1398 with a tolerance of less than 10%.

for example ; In the discussion of production and extraction of copper ore, which in 1398 was reported to be about 81 million tons (to produce 312 thousand tons of ingots) if we proceed with the current goals in the horizon of 1408 approximately 162.7 million tons and if production capacity according to global per capita production strategy (Proposal of the working group) Let's double it will be 162 million tons and the difference is less than 5%.

4- Examining the distances between the production and actual production capacities of recent years in the field of mining and related industries shows that in the economic course of the country today we have reached a position that is more than hard infrastructure such as roads, factories and creating new capacities such as regions. Special economic of mining and energy industries, development plans, equipment, logistics, etc. should include soft infrastructure; Create and use information, rules, new strategies, change management approach, regulatory intelligence platforms, etc.

For example, in order to equip the logistics of mining machinery in order to create a mineral production capacity that is twice the current situation equal to the vision horizon of 1408, we can direct the logistical capacities, such as the existing capacities in the country's oil complexes and infrastructure management. And guided by these capabilities, used them in the production capacity of mines and mining industries. Also, in order to increase the capacities (reasonable and commensurate with the resources), other missed or diminished opportunities should be used by directing the capabilities. For example, using the rich capacities of specialized human resources in the fields of mining, geology, etc. related to this field in the production and industry of the country.

5- Analyzing and comparing the current trend of the program and physical progress of the country's mining development projects shows that the more we move towards 1404 and consequently 1408, the more difficult it will be to achieve these goals because of limited financial resources and costs. Are increasing.

Result - Selecting the perspective of the country's mining capacities and mining industries in 1408

Because the difference between the production of mineral products in "Horizon Rail 1404" and "Per capita World Production Theory" is less than 10%. Also forecast for the coming years resulting from three factors:

1- Comparison of physical and program progress of development projects (since 1392)

2. Current internal resources available

3- Lower volume volumes on the horizon of per capita population theory (production of one percent of the world's minerals) compared to rail 1404

The choice of this horizon for the year 1408 makes more sense. Accordingly, in the fields of reserves (exploration), production, employment, economic share, development investment and currency (especially exports here), the country's landscape in 1408 is drawn. Certainly, drawing general numbers and volumes requires requirements in the planning, structural and resource sections, which we will discuss in detail in the detailed plan of the country's 1408 mineral horizon.